Thursday 31 March 2011

Week 4 - Carine Roitfeld, the ex-French Vogue chef-editor

Carine Roitfeld
PARIS Vogue says its editor-in-chief, Carine Roitfeld, has decided to leave after a 10-year tenure in which the French fashion monthly became "a worldwide reference and indispensable magazine".
-- "Paris Vogue vague on editor-in-chief Carine Roitfeld leaving", AP, December 19. 2010   10:41AM

10 years of serving one of the most powerful fashion leading magazine in the world, Carine announced her departure. According to official post on (, this true and talented woman decides to pursue personal projects. All official websites states that Carine was resigned, but according to the issues with small children and Tom Ford, the society wasn't happy about what she represented, people sees differently.

Carine dressed up three 6 years old girls with extremely glamours and make-up in last Dec/Jan issue, these fast growing up small children brought "horror and revolution" into public. But I wonder, this world is full of teenage mum, lost their viginlity by 12 or even under, costs of one birthday party equals to a month living fee for a orphan in a village of third country, worst of all some kids are doing child labour to survive. So dressing up three six years old kids mean so shockingly bad, then why these "justice people" don't use their energy on how to save the real helpless kids like what I just said before?

This is a vintage ad for Love Cosmetics, title is "Because Innocent is Sexier Than You Think". If decades ago we've already started putting all these "inappropriate" elements together, why today this chaos is only created by Carine and people just wouldn't face the reality? 

Carine co-worked with Tom Ford, they lensed Clarissa & Doug in the same issue. The very first time it hits my eyes, not in a disturbing way which is like most other people might feel, but thankful and happy. You might say the ridiculously priced glamour is too early for the small kids, but this couple been through everything that we've been through, don't they deserve their ways of kissing hugging biting all that sorts of sexual action? We are looking at young and super skinny models everyday, it rapes our eyes and mind by force telling us this is beautifully appropriate. Just because we never consider about the others doesn't mean they don't deserve it and ok to be laughed/ignored at.

Another vintage ad i found on, Men ask "Is She Pretty" not "Is She Clever" is the truth throughout the universe, until today men are still referred as visual animals. Women are just either beauty or sex object. But we are growing stronger, fighting back hard in this men dominating world. Our beloved Prime Minister Julia Gillard made us women proud, our talented headmaster Leanne Whitehouse made us skillful and confident, my immense mother made me who I am today. So when I look at those photo shoots Carine did with Tom Ford, woman is dominating and absolutely needed by men, no matter what age group they in, which decade they from. The massage I received from Carine, again it's reality.

Losing Carine is the lost of French Vogue. The more I read about her, the more I'm in love with her. What a strong, confident, thoughtful woman she is! Always been true to herself and this world, no matter what other people say, as long as she's happy with it. Of course with the talents she has, Jonathan Newhouse the ceo let her take the lead. This world is constructed by 6,400,000,000 human being and countless amount of magazines. But there is only one French Vogue and one chef editor for it. Under such a big pressure, I believe Jonathan had no choice but to let Carine go. I'm expecting the next issue, sure it'll be hold up and get compared with the past ten years, but who cares? I just wish Carine the best with her future, I'm looking forward.

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