excellent of its kind: a beautiful putt on the seventh hole;The chef served us a beautiful roast of beef.
wonderful; very pleasing or satisfying.
( used with a plural verb
) beautiful things orpeople collectively (usually preceded by the ): the good andthe beautiful.
wonderful; fantastic: You got two front-row seats? Beautiful!
extraordinary; incredible: used ironically: Your car brokedown in the middle of the freeway? Beautiful!
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2011. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/beautiful
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2011. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/beautiful
comparative relation between things or magnitudes as tosize, quantity, number, etc.; ratio.
proper relation between things or parts: to have tastes wayout of proportion to one's financial means.
relative size or extent.
proportions, dimensions or size: a rock of giganticproportions.
symmetry, harmony, or balance: an architect with a senseof proportion.
the significance of a thing or event that an objective viewreveals: You must try to see these mishaps in proportion.
Mathematics . a relation of four quantities such that the firstdivided by the second is equal to the third divided by thefourth; the equality of ratios. Compare rule of three.
Archaic . analogy; comparison.
–verb (used with object)
to adjust in proper proportion or relation, as to size,quantity, etc.
to balance or harmonize the proportions of.
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2011. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/proportion
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2011. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/proportion
"Golden Ratio"
Believed to symbolise perfect natural harmony
Rule of thirds make everything perfect
Big Names
- Aristotle
- Da Vinci
- Carine Roitfeld (French Vogue editor currently resigned, March Issue find out why)
- famous people
- Icon of the time
- trends representer
- a spirit of an cultural
- reflection of the society
- gossip, fame, economy, live on the young
online artical
How Celebrity is Celebrity?
What actually makes a celebrity a celebrity? How do you measure popularity, in the age of the Internet?
What really makes a celebrity a true celebrity? Is it the news coverage? The pursuit of tabloids? Perhaps sheer popularity is what drives us to call movie stars, musicians, and politicians celebrities. If that is the case, are the non-traditional stars celebrities as well?
In order to find a satisfactory answer to this dilemma, one must look for a celebrity index. CelebrityContest.net has developed an algorithm to assign a value to a celebrity, much as stocks are assigned a monetary value in order for site visitors or members to build celebrity portfolio. The algorithm takes into consideration the amount and timing of news items pertaining to celebrities as well as the popularity of the celebrity as a portion of online portfolios. But does this adequately measure the amount of celebrity status an individual has achieved?
To determine this, we need to consider what celebrity actually means. The American Heritage Dictionary defines celebrity as "a famous person," or "renown, fame." That definition is very broad indeed. To be renown is to simply be well-known. Osama Bin Laden is well-known, but does not necessarily have the same following as Jessica Alba. By this definition, however, they are both celebrities.
Thus, to be a celebrity, one must be either famous or infamous, and the distinction is not relevant. By this same token, individuals who have developed a following in unconventional ways such as the internet or reality programming are certainly celebrities as well – albeit some have more global coverage than others. So to measure the amount of celebrity an individual has obtained, one would simply need to measure his or her popularity.
♥Measuring Popularity
Before the information age, to measure popularity would involve countless newspaper and magazine searches. Print resources as well as television and radio contained any and all celebrity news and gossip. With the advent of the internet, this changed, of course. In present times, the internet has not only opened countless doors to those aspiring to stardom, but has developed a multitude of news and gossip outlets as well.
Most of the conventional media outlets – magazines, newspapers, radio, and television have developed an online presence. Often these websites contain more information pertaining to celebrities than the original medium. Those interested in entertainment news now have almost countless methods to find the information they seek.
The fastest way to find information online, however, is through the search engines. Major search engines index all web pages and online news items as they are developed, and offer users a chance to hone in on the desired material. Searching for celebrities will pull up thousands, if not millions, of relevant results. It follows that by simply counting the number of searches and articles for each celebrity, one could understand the popularity of that individual.
♥Celebrity Contest
It seems the algorithm developed by CelebrityContest.net holds true. The algorithm assigns value to a celebrity based on the number and age of news items and searches, which is the best indicator of popularity. Of course, the algorithm also includes results from CelebrityContest.net, which are a valid indicator as well.
If a celebrity is popular, he or she will be included in many portfolios. If he is becoming blasé, he will be dropped from portfolios in favor of more popular individuals. If a celebrity is looking for a gauge of her own value, she can perform a complicated web analysis, or simply track her price changes on CelebrityContest.net to understand how her fan base is feeling. Of course, fans can search for the value of their favorite celebrity, and even cash in on the details only devoted fans are privy to – insider trading if you will.
accessed on 01/03/2011
- Shirley Temple / Angelina Jolie
- Shirley's bright and cheerful in ultimately bought millions of dollars worth of products that had her likeness on them. Dolls, phonograph records, mugs, hats, dresses, whatever it was, if it had her picture on there the fans bought it. Every mum wanted to dress their daughter like her, she was the icon of the 1930's, also has the most income of her age group celebrity. (Her famous aviator jacket from her movie <Bright Eyes>(1934) is back to fashion this winter!!!)
- Angelina's not only an Oscar-winning actress, but also a devoted humanitarian. Her fuller lips has pushed the beauty industry to produce products like lip plumper etc. Tattoos and love story completed this amazing woman, yet she told the world: “I am still, at heart — and always will be — just a punk kid with tattoos,” through the December issue of Britain’s Harper’s Bazaar, 2008.
- Frank Gehry / Vivienne Westwood
- Frank has never been a celebrity to people who reads trashy hollywood magazines but he's such an inspiration and role model for designers of recent decades. His breakthrough style of sketching architectures and experimenting methods of building them in real scale has been encouraging younger designers to think outside of the box and be brave of what you design.
- The "Punk Queen" Vivienne Westwood is a legend. Her cutting edge but classic style invented a culture, a revolution, yet her fans are still growing continuously nowadays. "Too fast to live, too young to die".
- Twiggy / Britney Spears
- World's very first supermodel Twiggy, is a God's gift.
"The Cockney Kid with a face to launch a thousand shapes... And she's only 16"
- American's forever sweetheart & pop princess Britney Spears is an icon for 90's, she is so famous that you can't imagine a person who does not know this name in this world. Every teenage girl wanted to be like her and she wanted to be just like every teenage girl, life pressure pushed her down to her knees, but she found herself back way stronger and better.
- Marie's life was never chosen by herself. She had to marry the French King Louis' to improve the Austrian empire even though they had totally different interests. She was in a life of pleasure and carelessness, overspend on her outfits styling and private palaces for entertaining herself also her friends, trying to escape from her marriage.
- Paris was born with the golden spoon. She's also an icon, who associates with brands clubs and men, totally explained the Blonde stereotype well. I personally can't believe that I saw some girls who actually praising Paris as their idol. I would be very sad if I was her.
♥ For week 2:
- Exploring different magazines.
concentrate on their ways of design, target group, why where who when how, layout, pictures, etc. bring them in.
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